You can't win elections without knowing what your constituents want.

We use cutting-edge AI tools in order to extract clear, actionable insights for organizations and causes who want to make a better world.

We live and breathe data...

Everything we do is based strictly on numbers. We analyze millions of datapoints to figure out exactly what voters are thinking right now and what could change their minds.

We use AI to scrape data from social media, news articles, forum discussions, and other online platforms to understand public opinion and sentiment towards specific issues, candidates, or policies, helping craft campaign messaging accordingly. that you can focus on the big picture.

We distill all the complex algorithmic output we recieve into simple, actionable suggestions that can be distilled into three categories.


Figuring out how to get your message out there.

We provide suggestions about how to tailor your ad campaigns and which platforms will be most effective in attracting voters.


Perfecting your narrative for you.

We use data to figure out exactly which issues you should focus on and how you should craft your message around them.


Building you a winning coalition.

We can tell you exactly which voters are on the verge of voting for you, and how to get them to commit to your side.

Get started today

Democracy is under threat throughout the world. Its enemies are already doing extensive data analysis and research; it's high time its protectors do so too. *We* provide the technical expertise so that *you* can make a better future for your constituents.

Reach out

Frequently asked questions

Feel free to get in touch with us if you like what you see, but we can also give some more information here.

    • What makes you guys unique?

      Traditional political consultants have not been quick enough to embrace the AI revolution. Our data analysis goes beyond traditional polling by incorporating real-time data from a wide range of digital and offline sources. This not only gives us a more comprehensive view of the electorate but also allows us to track shifts in public opinion more quickly and accurately than pollsters. Additionally, our use of AI and machine learning helps in identifying subtle nuances in voter sentiment that traditional methods might miss.

    • What specific AI/ML techniques do you use?

      This varies on a case-to-case basis, but some sure-shot bets are SVMs and neural networks, transformer models like BERT for natural language processing, and clique analysis.

    • Do you encroach on specific people's privacy to collect data?

      Not at all. All data we collect is entirely anonymized, and we do not store any of it after training and using our AI models.

    • Do you work with all political organizations?

      No. We are committed to protecting liberal democracy, which is being threatened throughout the world. If we believe you to be, covertly or overtly, opposed to democratic (with a lowercase 'd') values and norms, we will not work with you.

    • What will the final product look like?

      We will generate a report (length varies, but assume ten pages) that explains exactly what data we used, what our insights from it were, and what steps you can take in the future.

    • What regions are you guys limited to?

      Our bread and butter is the American (USA) political environment, but we are more than capable of analyzing other regions if necessarily.

    • What are your datasets?

      We use various social media platforms, news sources, blogs, forum discussions, and videos; we adjust to make sure that all demographics are proportionally represented. We also use voting records and census data to derive demographic insights.

    • Can your analysis predict election outcomes?

      No, not with 100% certainty. But we can try, and we think we can do it a hell of a lot better than most.